

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

Impressionist painter Tatiana Jackson showcased at 靠谱买球app推荐美术馆

艺术家塔蒂亚娜·杰克逊 发布于2022年11月14日星期一  大学现在哪些app可以买球

Impressionist painter Tatiana Jackson explores concept of flow in 滑铁卢 gallery exhibition

滑铁卢-毫不费力. 令人愉快的. 快乐的.

Those are words impressionist painter Tatiana Ivaschenko Jackson uses to describe the sensation of losing herself in a painting.

在这样的时刻, 感觉像是她的刷子, 满载油漆, moves across the canvas of its own accord. Or Jackson may sit down to paint for an hour, but much more time passes before she looks up – and there’s a completed painting on her easel.

“There is such joy when it happens,”她说。. “我总是有想法和灵感, 但也有挣扎的时候, when a painting doesn’t come together like I want it to, so it’s important to have moments when everything just flows.”

“The Flow” is a theme that runs through the collection of Jackson’s paintings on exhibition now through Dec. 10 at 靠谱买球app推荐的凡克. 米勒成人学习中心杰斐逊街120号.

“The biggest joy out of life isn’t when everything goes the same way. It’s when we are challenged that we gain new skills and make progress. Being challenged is important because that’s what makes your mind work to find that flow. When your work flows, it makes your day,” said Jackson, of Cedar Falls.

All of the roughly 30 paintings she selected for the show were created “in the flow, 在这个区域, 处于最佳状态, 不管人们怎么称呼它. 心流状态对我来说很迷人.

Jackson researched the flow concept when one of her children began experiencing anxiety.

Yale University researchers discovered that people had similar physical responses during anxiety attacks to people who were in a state of their best work performance. In both instances, people experienced adrenaline rushes and increased heart rates, for example. That adrenaline boost positively impacts athletes, 学生, 演员, 音乐家和艺术家, 磨性能, 专注和记忆. 患有焦虑症的人, 他们学会了, could channel their fear and energy into short, 剧烈的运动.

Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is responsible for recognizing and naming the concept of “flow,” described as “a highly focused mental state conducive to productivity.” Jackson uses one of his quotes in the artist’s statement about her exhibition: “The best moments in our lives are not the passive, 接受, relaxing times … the best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limit in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”

Impressionism is an artistic love affair for Jackson. 她创作静物画和风景画, frequently inspired by her own flower garden, 具象作品和肖像. 宗教图标, such as statues of saints and angels and rosary beads often find their way into her paintings, 因其美丽和象征意义而受到重视.

The exhibit includes several paintings Jackson painted with a palette knife, in some instances scraping away paint to the canvas surface, 只留下颜色和纹理.

“To paint from life is wonderful, it gives me pleasure. As an impressionist, I take colors from nature and beauty and put them on a canvas. I’m not looking for perfection or putting embellishments,” Jackson explained.

“Being in the flow always brings a great outcome in my painting,”她说。, comparing the sensation to “the freedom that comes from letting go and having complete trust in God.”

Jackson was born in 乌克兰 in 1968 and received her artistic training in Russia. She earned a master’s degree in teaching art, art history and technical drawing from Krasnodar State University and later studied in an after-graduate program at Herzen University in St. 彼得堡. In 1992, she participated in an exchange program between the U.S. and Russia and was transferred to the 北爱荷华大学. She received a master of fine arts in painting degree in 1994.

Her work has been exhibited at galleries, art centers and museums. It is also part of public and private collections.



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